Outsource your audits with ease and reliability.
SMSF Audit Fees
Our fees for service mean you can speak with a real audit expert to see efficient results. We are an agile team who value person to person contact.
These fees are indicative only and may vary depending on the volume and complexity of the SMSF audit requested.
Level A
Less than 5 accounts/TD’s
$520 incl. GST
Cash Only
Level B
Low Volume (less than 5 assets)
$560 incl. GST
Listed securities and managed funds
Level C
Medium Volume (5-10 assets)
$660 incl. GST
Listed securities and managed funds
Real estate (one title)
Real estate add $77 for each title
Level D
Higher Volume (11-20 assets)
$730 incl. GST
Listed securities and managed funds
Real estate (one title)
Unlisted companies and trusts (not related)
Real estate add $77 for each title
Level E
Time Billing
$880+ incl. GST
Significantly high volume
Complicated or incomplete records
Unlisted companies and trusts (not 13.22C exempt)
Related party investments
Multiple real estate properties or 13.22C unit trusts
Warrants/Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements
In-house assets
Other investments
Crypto currency
Real estate add $77 for each title
Please note: Audits resulting in the lodgement of an Auditor Contravention Report will incur $250 fee in addition to the scheduled fees.